Privacy Policy

Ausblox Privacy Policy 




In our PP, unless the context otherwise requires, the following words shall have the following meanings:

“Act” means the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth) as amended from time to time, and which we recommend you read and can be viewed by clicking here;

“APP” means the Australian Privacy Principles set out in the Act and which we recommend you read;

“AB” means Ausblox and includes AB’s officers and agents, its successor and assigns;

“Information” means your personal sensitive information and data (including but not limited to your full name, address, date and place of birth, age, likes and dislikes) as disclosed to us prior to your reading our PP or as updated by you in writing to our Privacy Officer from time to time following your last reading of our PP, and, data and information defined or set out in the Privacy Legislation;

“NDB” means the Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) Act 2017 which came into effect on 22 February 2018 and which we recommend you read;

“Policy” means our privacy policy and statement to show our commitment to you to comply to the best of our ability with the Privacy Legislation;

“Privacy Legislation” means the Act, the APP, the NDB and the GDPR;

“Privacy Officer” means our privacy officer from time to time whose contact details are set out in Clause 10 of our PP;

“We/we”, “Us/us” and “Our/our” means AB;

“You/you” and “Your/your” means each person who accesses our website and views our PP.


Words not specifically defined in these PP will have the meaning one would normally attribute to them such as name of a country, state or territory as referred to in our PP, or, otherwise, the Privacy Legislation and, where any inconsistency arises, the Privacy Legislation will prevail.


  • 3.1  We acknowledge the existence of the Privacy Legislation which was introduced to protect your privacy and your Information.

    3.2  The purpose of the Act is to govern when and how personal Information can be collected, stored and used by business operators such as us.

    3.3  The purpose of the NDB was to set up a scheme whereby we must take certain measures where there is unauthorised access to, unauthorised disclosure of or loss of, information of our clients and prospective clients. The intention of the NDB is to ensure that if we hold Information, we must take all reasonably necessary internal security measures to ensure that the access, disclosure or loss does not result in serious harm to you. See Clause 9 below.
    3.4  We shall do all things reasonably necessary to implement processes to protect unauthorised access to, unauthorised disclosure of, or loss of, your Information.

    3.5  We shall, and we shall procure that our associated entities do likewise, comply with the provisions of the NDB and notify as required by the NDB

    3.6  We collect your Information and that of prospective clients which must be provided to the relevant authorities, legal enforcement and government bodies and agencies and third parties that might have an interest, direct or otherwise, in us, our business operations and our clients and prospective clients


  • We are committed to managing your Information openly and transparently and to keeping it safe. We will:
    4.1  comply with the Privacy Legislation in an effort to provide you with quality goods and services, and, to only collect, store and use your Information to do so;
    4.2  as soon as practically possible, respond to your directions to refrain from using your Information for any purpose, keep accurate and up to date your Information;
    4.3  update our PP using plain and simple language and alert you to changes to our PP from time to time.


5.1 Protecting your privacy and your Information is of the greatest importance to us. We are committed to protecting your privacy. We will:

5.1.1 only collect from you Information that is necessary and relevant to our relationship with you, including, to enable us to provide to you the best possible service;
5.1.2  unless in exceptional circumstances, the collection of your Information will only relate to the goods or services that we are providing to you or are about to provide to you and to enable us to contact you in relation to those goods and services;

5.1.3  always collect your Information directly from you unless it is impracticable to do so.

5.2  You do not have to provide us with your Information, but if you do not provide us with your Information, we may not be able to provide the goods and services that you require.

5.3  You can always “opt-out”, withdraw consent or unsubscribe at any time by notice in writing


We attempt to collect your Information directly from you but your Information may be collected by your use of our website, and, as such, your Information will be collected and used in the normal course of our business. We will:

6.1 not release your Information to third parties (except as required by law) without your consent which is deemed to be given if you elect to subscribe to our PP;

6.2  rely on the following representations and warranties from you to us (confirmed by you subscribing to our PP) that where your Information relates to personal information about another person, you:

6.2.1  have obtained the express consent of that third party to disclose their personal information to us for its use in accordance with our PP; and
6.2.2  are authorised to provide that personal information to us; and

6.2.3  have complied with the APP in collecting that personal information including by making all relevant notifications required of the APP5; and
6.2.4  have informed that person about the contents of our PP and that such third party can gain access to and correct the personal information relating to them that you have provided to us.

6.3 further, we may use and disclose your Information as follows:

  • 6.3.1  to consider your request for information in relation to goods or services we can offer you, and / or, information in respect thereof as requested by you;

    6.3.2  to enable us to provide goods and services;

    6.3.3  to carry out or respond to your queries or requests;

    6.3.4  to any third party suppliers of our goods and services;

    6.3.5  to our third party service providers to assist us in providing and improving our goods and services to you and to analyse trends in sales and better understand your needs or to develop, improve and market our products and goods and services to you;

    6.3.6  for use in direct marketing or promotions of us, our goods and services;

    6.3.7  to consider any concerns or complaints you may raise against us;

    6.3.8  to better understand your preferences;

    6.3.9  to use your images or visage in marketing, promoting or selling our goods and services or those of our clients for no consideration;

    6.3.10  to use your Information to identify a good or service that may benefit you;

    6.3.11  to contact you from time to time to let you know about an offer, a good or service that we believe you might be interested in;

    6.3.12  to use our pages on third party social media platforms, such as, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Houzz, YouTube or LinkedIn and your Information will be subject to the privacy policies of such third parties. We strongly recommend that you view the privacy policies of these third parties before you submit any personal sensitive information to them; and

    6.3.13  to assist us in complying with the Privacy Legislation.

A cookie is a small data piece of text or file that is placed within the memory of a computer or which a website may write to your hard drive when you visit it. The browser stores the message in a text file, and the message is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server. The only personal sensitive information a cookie can contain is Information you personally supply.

We make limited use of cookies on our website. We only use cookies to improve the functionality of our website, not to store any of your Information. Most internet browsers automatically accept cookies. Users may be able to change the settings to prevent it and should consult their browser owner’s manual for instructions on how to refuse cookies.


8.1  Although we take reasonable steps, through the use of encryption and other methods, to ensure the security of your Information, you do so at your own risk.

8.2  Further, we:
8.2.1 have implemented appropriate processes and techniques (including physical security such as locks and security systems and computer network security, including, but not limited to, firewalls and passwords, removal of obvious identification tags and the like) to protect your Information from loss, misuse and interference and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure;

8.2.2 are dependent upon the overall security of the Internet which, it has been seen from international events, is not totally secure and we are, therefore, subject to such external influences as regards the security of your Information, and, this is particularly true for Information you send to us via email as we have no way of protecting that Information until it reaches us, whereupon we are required to protect your Information in accordance with the Privacy Legislation;


  • 9.1  Our website may contain links to third party websites.
  • 9.2  All third party links on our website are provided for your convenience. You access those websites and or use our website’s products and services at your own risk.

    9.3  We are not responsible for and make no representations concerning the condition and content of, or product offerings at the third party website.
    9.4  We do not control the content or privacy policies of third party websites.
  • 9.5  We encourage you to read the privacy statement of each website you visit
    9.6  Notwithstanding the above, we will comply with our obligations in relation to our controls and processes of your Information as is required by the Privacy Legislation.
  • 10.1  If you would like to access, update or correct your Information, you should do so by emailing our writing to our office at:
    • 10.1.1  Physical address: 25 Garling Road, Kings Park, NSW, 2148

10.2  If you need to make telephone contact with our Privacy Officer, the current telephone number is:

10.2.1  domestic: 02 9676 8444

10.3  We may not be able to provide you with access to your Information when requested in circumstances where, according to law, we are not allowed or access would pose a serious threat to the life, health or safety of another person or where such access would unreasonably impact on the privacy of a third party.

10.4  We will respond to any request for access or correction of your Information as soon as practically possible.

10.5 We are dependent upon you for the accuracy of your Information and it is your obligation to ensure that it is, at all times, accurate, complete, up to date, relevant and not misleading. Accordingly, would you ensure that you provide us with correct Information at the time you provide it to us and immediately inform us of any changes in your Information to ensure that we can achieve our aims for accuracy, completeness, etc.

    11.1  The content of our PP may be updated from time to time, so we suggest that you regularly revisit the website and carefully read the information provided.
    11.2  We reserve the right to change our PP at any time without giving notice to you.
    11.3  We will use our best endeavours to ensure that all information published on our website is accurate and up to date but we cannot take any responsibility for any error or omission relating thereto especially as, to a certain extent, it is based on the information of third parties.



    12.1  We welcome your questions and concerns about privacy. If you have any concerns or complaints please contact our Privacy Officer at the contact details set out in Clause 10 above.
    12.2  We will endeavour to answer your questions and address your concerns as soon as practically possible.

12.3 You can contact us without identifying yourself, however, if you do so, it will make it more difficult for us to assist you in answering your questions and satisfying your concerns.

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